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How to Use a Topi-Click Dispenser: Step By Step Instructions
There are a variety of reasons why Topi-click is so popular with doctors, pharmacists, and patients. Watch our Compounding Pharmacist Marjan explain how to use a Topi-click dispenser; Our favorite measuring device for your compounds!
There are a variety of reasons why Topi-click is so popular with doctors, pharmacists, and patients.
Watch our Compounding Pharmacist Marjan explain how to use a Topi-click dispenser; Our favorite measuring device for your compounds!
Central Pharmacy Will be Moving To a New Santa Monica Location Soon!
It's true! Our new pharmacy is now being created and we're due to open in early December! Better than ever...the new Central Pharmacy & Compounding Lab...coming soon.Stay tuned for moving specials. Thanks so much for your support!
It's true! Our new pharmacy is now being created and we're due to open in early December! Better than ever...the new Central Pharmacy & Compounding Lab...coming soon.
Stay tuned for moving specials. Thanks so much for your support!
8 Ways To Reduce Your Risk Of Colorectal Cancer
Approximately 140,000 new cases of colorectal cancer are expected to be diagnosed in 2017 in the U.S. alone. Colon cancer is the third most prevalent type of cancer in the U.S., affecting both men and women at an alarming rate. Approximately 140,000 new cases of colorectal cancer are expected to be diagnosed in 2017 in the U.S. alone.
Approximately 140,000 new cases of colorectal cancer are expected to be diagnosed in 2017 in the U.S. alone.
By Peyton Berookim MD Gastro (Patch Poster)
Colon cancer is the third most prevalent type of cancer in the U.S., affecting both men and women at an alarming rate. Approximately 140,000 new cases of colorectal cancer are expected to be diagnosed in 2017 in the U.S. alone.
Fortunately, colorectal cancer is treatable and beatable. There are several methods that can reduce one’s chances of developing colorectal cancer. As such, we have compiled a list of 8 ways to prevent against colon cancer.
1. Know Your Family History
There is a genetic component to developing colorectal cancer. Thus, knowing your family history of colorectal cancer can help inform your decisions to get tested. Factors such as age of onset, closeness in familial relation and other such factors should inform your decision.
2. Don’t Smoke!
We all are aware of the negative effects smoking can have on the lungs. However, many people may not realize the harmful effects smoking can have on the colorectal organs. Smokers are approximately 20% more likely to develop colorectal cancer that nonsmokers. And that number can increase depending on the length of time which you smoked.
3. Don’t Binge Drink
Binge or heavy drinking drastically increases your risk of developing colorectal cancer. Studies indicate that on average, people who have 2-3 drinks a day are at an approximately 20% higher risk for developing colorectal cancer thank nondrinkers. People that have more than 4 drinks a day are at a 50% higher risk of developing colorectal cancer. And all alcohols are equally bad.
4. Keep A Thin Waste Line
There are strong correlations between obesity and colorectal cancer. The relationship is especially true for men. It has been found that men under the age of 50 with excess fat in their stomachs are just as likely as men over the age of 50 to have precancerous cells in their colorectal organs.
5. Eat Superfoods
There is an emerging list of superfoods that are supposed to help protect against colorectal cancer. Although the data supporting this is not as robust as the evidence against smoking and drinking, there is still strong evidence that suggests eating foods such as blackberries and walnuts and drinking green teas can protect against developing colorectal cancer.
6. Cut Back On Red Meat
Several research studies have found a strong correlation between the amount of red meat one consumes and the risk of developing colorectal cancer. Worse still is the consumption of salted, smoked, cured and processed meats.
If you simply must eat red meat, it is recommended that you should at least limit your intake to two four-ounce portions a week, eat lean cuts and avoid charring it on the grill.
7. Exercise Exercise Exercise
There is strong evidence that living a sedentary lifestyle increases the chances of developing colorectal cancer, while exercise and staying active reduces it. Doctors suggest at least 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise 5 times a week can greatly affect your chances of developing colorectal cancer.
8. Get Screened Regularly
Colorectal cancer screening is one of the few cancer screenings that can actually help prevent the disease. Follow the recommended protocol for colorectal cancer screening. The recommended age for screening is 50, however, there is evidence that that number should be lowered to mid forties.
This article was originally posted at patch.com. See original article here.
Dog Friendly Over-The-Counter Medications
Ever wonder if you can give your dog something out of your medicine cabinet? Benadryl, aspirin, dramamine, pepto bismol, and more? Save this photo for when you can't get to the Vet!
Ever wonder if you can give your dog something out of your medicine cabinet? Save this photo for when you can't get to the Vet!
Happy Holidays from Central Pharmacy!
Wishing you "Merry Everything" from our entire staff at Central Pharmacy!
Wishing you "Merry Everything" from our entire staff at Central Pharmacy!
16 Things NOT to Feed Your Dog
Holidays are the time that our doggies LOVE to hang around a kitchen full of yummy smells! Please remember...they are dogs and not humans and they break down food differently than we do! Keep your dog feeling it's best - they would say "thanks" if they could talk!
Holidays are the time that our doggies LOVE to hang around a kitchen full of yummy smells! Please remember...they are dogs and not humans and they break down food differently than we do! Keep your dog feeling it's best - they would say "thanks" if they could talk!
No matter how hard your dog begs and pleads, there are simply some people foods you should never fork over. And of course, you also need to make sure potentially toxic foods aren’t left out where your dog could get at them. Read on to find out what foods dogs should not eat.
Bad Food for Dogs
You may already know not to offer chocolate to your pooch, but did you know that avocados can be bad for dogs too? Look over this list of 16 foods you should absolutely never feed your dog to see how many you knew about.
- Chocolate
- Gum and candy
- Xylitol
- Grapes
- Raisins
- Macadamia nuts
- Avocados
- Onions
- Garlic
- Salt
- Tea leaves
- Raw yeast dough
- Spoiled foods
- Fatty foods
- Coffee
- Alcohol
Let’s break it down with more about why these foods are bad for dogs.
1. Chocolate
While melt in your mouth chocolate makes humans happy (and if it doesn’t, I can honestly say I don’t understand you at all!), it can be very harmful to your dog. It contains caffeine and theobromine, two stimulants that can make your dog’s heart race, blood pressure skyrocket, and even cause seizures and death.
The darker the chocolate, the more dangerous it can be for your pup because it contains even more of these substances. So baker’s chocolate and semi-sweet nibs are big no no’s. Smaller breeds can also be affected by a lesser amount of chocolate than larger breeds. You can see just how much is too much in our Dogs and Chocolate Infographic.
2. Gum and candy
Thinking about a dog chewing on a piece of gum might elicit a chuckle or two, but it’s really not a laughing matter. A dog wouldn’t have a clue what to do with this strange, chewy substance and may be likely to swallow it, which can cause choking or blockages in the digestive system. Candy can result in the same issues, especially if it’s super chewy, like caramel or taffy. Hard candies can also fracture your dog’s teeth.
Plus, if that gum or candy is sweetened with Xylitol, it can cause some serious problems for your dog. Xylitol is such a dangerous substance it has it’s own spot on the list.
3. Xylitol
Xylitol is a substitute sweetener used in many different foods, including gum, candy, desserts, yogurt, and peanut butter. Ingesting Xylitol can result in low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), seizure, and liver failure in dogs. So please check the ingredients of anything that might contain Xylitol before giving it to your dog.
4. Grapes
Grapes are highly toxic to dogs and can result in severe complications, including sudden kidney failure. Even just a single one can cause a very bad reaction in your dog, so keep those bowlfuls of grapes and fruit salads out of paws reach. If you happen to come home and find a straggly, empty grape vine on the floor near your dog, contact your veterinarian or animal poison control immediately (more on that at the end of this list).
5. Raisins
You know what raisins are, right? They’re dried and shriveled up grapes, of course! That means they’re just as harmful to your dog as their round and juicy friends. Raisins are also tricky, since they can hide in cookies and other goodies that your dog might try to gobble up.
6. Macadamia nuts
These nuts originated in Madagascar and Australia, but were brought over to Hawaii and California many years ago. They can now be found in plenty of local grocery stores and are sometimes baked into cookies. It’s not known what in these nuts causes a bad reaction in dogs, but symptoms can include a severely upset tummy, vomiting, hyperthermia, and tremors.
7. Avocados
These fruits (yes, they are a fruit!) contain a substance called persin, which can be harmful to dogs. There is more persin in the leaves and skin of avocados, and different varieties can contain more or less of this toxic substance. In any case, it’s better to be safe than sorry and keep your dog’s nose out of the guacamole bowl on game day.
8. Onions
Onions contain a harmful substance that can damage your dog’s red blood cells, making them unable to carry oxygen through the body. This is as dangerous as it sounds and can be fatal. Now you might wonder what dog would eat an onion, but they’ve been known to gobble up slices dropped on the floor, snack on breaded onion rings, or nosh on sweeter tasting pearl onions. Onion powder is also a problem for dogs, so keep it safely stored away in the spice cabinet.
9. Garlic
Like onions, garlic can damage a dog’s red blood cells. Also like onions, you may be wondering what dog would want to eat garlic. But dogs don’t always shy away from strong tasting foods. They might eat up garlic cloves that fell while you were cooking or get into a jar of chopped garlic left open on the counter. Garlic powder can also be an issue, so be sure to store it safely.
10. Salt
Too much salt, whether it’s poured directly out of the shaker or on potato chips, pretzels, popcorn, or other snacks, can cause health issues for your dog. It can lead to sodium ion or salt poisoning, which can damage the kidneys. Signs include excessive thirst and urination, vomiting, and diarrhea.
11. Tea leaves
While sitting down with a nice cup of tea can be one of the most relaxing points of your day, you should certainly avoid inviting your dog for teatime. Tea leaves contain caffeine, like I mentioned in our chat about chocolate, and can be quite troublesome for dogs. Although your dog may seem uninterested in tea bags, you should store cartons of them safely and avoid leaving mugs with used tea bags around where your dog could take a taste.
12. Raw yeast dough
If you’re baking bread or other items with raw yeast, like homemade soft pretzels, be sure to let it rise somewhere safe from curious noses. The yeast in that dough can expand in your dog’s belly and cause painful gas and bloating. Bloat can cause a dog’s stomach to twist, which can turn into a medical emergency. There is also a risk of alcohol intoxication since yeast produces alcohol during the fermenting process.
13. Spoiled foods
There can be all sorts of harmful things lurking in your garbage, such as spoiled or moldy foods, that can upset your dog’s tummy or worse. Some molds contain mycotoxins that cause serious muscle tremors. Be sure to throw old or rotten foods out where your dog can’t get at them, like a securely closed outdoor garbage bin.
14. Fatty foods
Feeding your dog fatty foods, like hot dogs, bacon, ribs, or fried chicken, can upset your dog’s stomach and cause vomiting and diarrhea. It can also lead to pancreatitis, which is an inflammation of the pancreas. Some breeds, like Miniature Schnauzers and Yorkshire Terriers, may be more prone to pancreatitis. If you notice your dog is hunched over with tummy pain, contact your vet.
15. Coffee
Like tea leaves and chocolate, coffee is harmful to dogs because of the caffeine content. This goes for brewed, ground, and whole bean coffee. It’s also true of used coffee grounds, so be careful how you dispose of them.
16. Alcohol
Just like people, dogs can get buzzed from drinks or foods containing alcohol. This effect can be amplified for dogs, especially for those of smaller breeds. Alcohol can also affect your dog’s nervous system and even lead to a coma or death. There’s simply no reason to ever offer your dog an alcoholic beverage. You should also keep an eye on your dog during parties where drinks may be left around.
What Dogs are at Risk?
Dogs of any breed, shape, or size are at risk for ingesting something harmful. However, some dogs may be more prone to eating things they shouldn’t based on their personalities. While all dogs need to be protected from bad foods and toxic substances, dogs who are super curious or love to put things in their mouths may need closer supervision.
Dog Poison Emergency Tips
It’s good to know the list of bad food for dogs, but that doesn’t mean you’ll be able to protect your dog from getting into trouble all of the time. If you suspect your dog has ingested a harmful food or substance, contact your veterinarian or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) immediately. The APCC is available 24/7 at 888-426-4435. A $65 consultation may apply.
Also, be sure to stay calm and never try to treat your dog without professional advice. You could injure your dog or get hurt yourself. Even the most loving dog can act out when in pain, scared, or upset. Depending on the situation, your vet may need to perform diagnostic tests, induce vomiting, administer fluids through an IV, or prescribe medications. Hospitalization may also be necessary in more severe cases.
While these treatments can get expensive, you can get help managing the costs with an ASPCA Pet Health Insurance plan. Get a quote for your dog now. This way, if you ever come home to find a ripped open box of raisins and a dog with an upset tummy, you can at least rest easy knowing that you’ll have help covering the medical bills.
This is a reposted article. Original article here.
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Did you know that you will get $10 off of your next prescription if you refer a friend who gets his/her Rx filled with us? Just a way for us to say "thank you" for supporting us here at Central!